Find the Perfect Fit: How SIL Providers Can Align SDA Homes with Participant Needs
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Find the Perfect Fit: How SIL Providers Can Align SDA Homes with Participant Needs

Find the Perfect Fit: How SIL Providers Can Align SDA Homes with Participant Needs
Adam Wyatt
Updated On
June 27, 2024

Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is a critical component of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), providing safe, accessible, and supportive housing for people living with disabilities.

As a Supported Independent Living (SIL) provider, it’s essential to understand how SDA categories can meet your participants’ needs. Housing is more than just providing shelter—it’s about creating an environment where participants can enjoy independence, dignity, and a better quality of life.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the different SDA categories and explain how you can align them with your participants' needs. We’ll also explore how partnering with Vertika can streamline the whole process, ensuring your participants thrive in the right home.

SDA Categories: A Quick Breakdown

At the core of SDA are four primary categories, each designed to meet varying levels of physical, cognitive, and sensory needs. Understanding these categories is key to helping you choose the most suitable homes for your participants:

  1. Fully Accessible

Homes in this category cater to participants who require significant physical access. These properties feature wide doorways, step-free entry, accessible bathrooms, and provisions for hoists. If your participants use wheelchairs or need frequent assistance with mobility, this category ensures they have the space and accessibility needed for daily life.

  1. High Physical Support

This category goes beyond accessibility, designed for participants with complex physical support needs. High Physical Support homes include additional features like emergency power for assistive technology and structural reinforcements for equipment. For participants requiring 24-hour assistance, these homes are equipped to provide the necessary level of support.

  1. Improved Liveability

Participants with sensory, intellectual, or cognitive impairments benefit from homes in this category. Improved Liveability properties are designed to enhance comfort and functionality, with features like improved lighting, noise reduction, and layout adjustments that reduce confusion or anxiety. They create a space where participants can feel safe and confident in their surroundings.

  1. Robust

Robust homes are built for participants who may have complex behaviours and require a more secure environment. Impact-resistant materials, secure windows, and areas for retreat help provide a safe space while allowing participants the freedom to live independently.

Matching Participants to the Right SDA Category

Choosing the appropriate SDA category for your participants involves more than a straightforward assessment of physical needs—it requires a deep understanding of each participant’s lifestyle, preferences, and care requirements. Here are some key steps for aligning participants with the right SDA option:

Assessing Physical and Mobility Needs

Participants who use wheelchairs or require physical assistance benefit from Fully Accessible or High Physical Support homes. These properties provide the space and structural features necessary for safe movement and independence.

Understanding Sensory and Cognitive Requirements

For participants with autism or intellectual disabilities, environments with less sensory stimulation are crucial. Improved Liveability homes offer calming features, such as enhanced lighting and acoustic privacy, creating a supportive environment for participants to live comfortably.

Considering Lifestyle Preferences

Beyond their care needs, your participants’ lifestyle preferences are crucial when choosing a home. Do they value social interaction or prefer privacy? Are they looking for a home in a quiet neighbourhood or close to public amenities? Understanding what matters to them—such as proximity to family, access to community services, or outdoor spaces—ensures that their SDA home enhances both their well-being and personal happiness.

How the Right SDA Home Enhances Participant Well-being

Placing your participants in a thoughtfully designed SDA home can significantly improve their quality of life. When a home is designed around their needs, participants experience greater independence, stability, and overall well-being.

Take Jacob Darkin, for example. Jacob is a wheelchair user who moved into a fully accessible home in Vertika's brand-new Merrylands property. Before this transition, Jacob faced constant challenges in his old living environment, where narrow doorways and stairs restricted his mobility.  

Since moving into Vertika’s Merrylands property, everything has changed. The fully accessible design—with wide doorways, step-free entry, and modified kitchen and bathroom spaces—has allowed Jacob to navigate the physical spaces of his home with ease. Using the home’s features has become stress-free, offering him the freedom to move through his day without the frustrations he once encountered.

Jacob now enjoys a higher level of independence and control over his daily routine, allowing him to focus more on his personal interests and goals. This is the power of the right SDA home—it doesn’t just meet a person’s physical needs; it empowers them to lead a more fulfilling life.

Partnering with Vertika: SDA, Simplified

Collaborating with a specialist SDA provider like Vertika takes the guesswork out of choosing the right home. We understand the unique needs of people living with disabilities and work hand-in-hand with SIL providers to ensure the housing we offer meets each participant’s requirements.  

Our purpose-built properties are designed to address the specific needs of different SDA categories, making it easier for you to focus on delivering care. Here’s how partnering with Vertika can support your role as an SIL provider:

Personalised Matching

Vertika takes the time to understand your participants’ individual needs, providing expert advice on which SDA properties are the best fit. Our team handles everything from eligibility criteria to the application process, ensuring a smooth transition for your participants.

High-Quality Properties

Vertika’s SDA homes are built to NDIS standards, offering comfortable and accessible environments where participants can live confidently. We prioritise both functionality and comfort, creating spaces where your participants can thrive.

Ongoing Support and Collaboration

At Vertika, we don’t just place participants in homes—we stay connected, offering ongoing support to ensure the accommodation continues to meet their evolving needs. This commitment to partnership makes it easier for you to manage participant care over the long term.

Adapting to Changing Participant Needs

As a SIL provider, you know that your participants' needs can evolve over time. A participant who initially moves into an Improved Liveability home may later require more physical support. That’s why Vertika designs adaptable spaces that can evolve alongside participants, reducing the likelihood of disruptive moves.

This flexibility is crucial for participants who need stability and consistency. By working with Vertika, you can ensure that your participants’ homes remain suitable for them as their circumstances change, giving them the security and comfort they deserve.

Find the Right SDA for Your Participants, Every Time

Your participants deserve more than just a house—they deserve a home that meets their specific needs and supports their independence. At Vertika, we specialise in providing SDA homes purpose-built for accessibility, ensuring that your participants can live comfortably and with dignity.

By partnering with us, you’ll benefit from expert guidance throughout the entire process, from finding the right property to ensuring long-term success for your participants. We’re here to make the process easy and seamless for SIL providers like you, allowing you to focus on delivering flawless SIL support.

Ready to match your participants with the perfect SDA home? Contact Vertika today to learn more about how we can help you meet their needs and improve their quality of life.  

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Find the Perfect Fit: How SIL Providers Can Align SDA Homes with Participant Needs
Adam Wyatt
Updated On
June 27, 2024
Adam Wyatt is a content writer at Vertika and subject matter expert of the NDIS space. He holds a doctorate in communications and media is an advocate for human-centred content that makes a positive impact in people's lives.
More About Adam