Helping SIL Providers Deliver Better Care: Vertika’s SDA for High Physical Support Needs
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Helping SIL Providers Deliver Better Care: Vertika’s SDA for High Physical Support Needs

Helping SIL Providers Deliver Better Care: Vertika’s SDA for High Physical Support Needs
Adam Wyatt
Updated On
June 27, 2024

Supporting participants with complex needs requires more than just delivering day-to-day care—it demands a purpose-built environment that caters to both physical and emotional challenges.  

For many people living with disabilities, particularly those with high physical support needs, their quality of life depends not only on the care they receive but also on the suitability of the home they live in.

As a SIL provider, you know how essential it is to find a home that meets your participants' complex needs. In this blog, we’ll explore how Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) can be tailored to accommodate high physical support needs and how partnering with Vertika ensures your participants live in spaces designed to enhance their well-being and independence.

Understanding High Physical Support Needs

Participants with complex needs often require what is known as High Physical Support SDA. These participants live with significant physical disabilities and need homes designed to allow both independent living and 24-hour care. The homes must be equipped with features that make life safer, more accessible, and ultimately, more comfortable.

High Physical Support homes are built with several essential features:

  • Wide doorways and hallways to accommodate wheelchairs and mobility equipment.
  • Step-free access to ensure participants can move freely without the risk of falls.
  • Emergency power solutions to maintain the functionality of essential medical devices in case of a power outage.
  • Hoists and ceiling tracks for safe transfers from bed to wheelchair or bathroom.
  • Modified bathrooms and kitchens to allow participants to manage more daily tasks independently.

These features aren’t just practical—they provide participants with greater autonomy and confidence in their ability to live with self-reliance. For SIL providers, homes equipped with these features mean that you can focus on delivering quality care without being limited by an unsuitable environment.

How High Physical Support SDA Homes Improve Quality of Life

The right home environment plays a critical role in the well-being of participants with high physical support needs. When a participant lives in a home that meets their physical requirements, it frees up their SIL team to focus on enhancing their independence and supporting their personal growth.

Consider a participant who uses a wheelchair and requires full-time assistance with daily activities. In a typical, non-modified home, every aspect of their day—from getting in and out of bed to preparing meals—can become a challenge. This not only reduces the participant’s independence but also puts extra strain on their support team, who are forced to work around an ill-suited environment.

In a High Physical Support SDA home, however, the participant can benefit from accessibility features that allow them to move around more freely. Hoists enable smooth transfers from bed to bathroom, wide doorways and step-free access ensure they can move independently in a wheelchair, and modified kitchens let them participate in daily tasks like preparing food. These elements give participants a sense of control and independence, helping them live more confidently and comfortably.

Enhancing SIL Delivery Through SDA Design

For SIL providers, the design of an SDA home can have a direct impact on the quality of care you’re able to provide. Inadequate housing limits your ability to focus on care and rehabilitation, but when a home is purpose-built for High Physical Support, it opens opportunities to improve your participants’ daily experiences.

Imagine trying to provide 24-hour care in a home that doesn’t accommodate basic accessibility needs. Tight doorways, stairs, or inaccessible bathrooms make it difficult for participants to move independently, forcing your care team to constantly adapt to an unsuitable space. Over time, this not only affects the participant’s progress but can lead to burnout for the support team.

In contrast, a High Physical Support SDA property removes these barriers. Care teams can assist participants more efficiently, whether through hoists for easy transfers or spacious, accessible bathrooms that allow for safe and comfortable personal care. The right home environment means less time struggling with practical limitations and more time focusing on helping participants develop their independence.

Why Vertika’s Approach to SDA is Different

Not all SDA homes are created equal. At Vertika, we understand that each participant’s needs are unique, especially those with high physical support requirements.  

Our High Physical Support properties are designed not just to meet the NDIS standards but to go beyond them—creating well-designed SDA homes that are adaptable, comfortable, and future-proofed to support participants as their needs evolve.

Here’s how Vertika’s design approach makes a difference:

  • Participant-Centric Design: We design homes that are practical for the participant and support staff alike. From adaptable spaces to accessible communal areas, every detail is considered to ensure participants feel empowered in their own homes.
  • Ongoing Flexibility: We recognise that a participant’s needs may change over time. That’s why our properties are designed with flexibility in mind, so modifications can be made as needed without the disruption of moving.
  • Supporting Independence: Vertika’s homes are built to help participants live as independently as possible. By providing features that allow participants to manage aspects of their own care, we help reduce reliance on support services and give them more control over their daily lives.

Long-Term Stability and Lifestyle Freedom

Participants with high physical support requirements need not only the right home today but also the security of knowing that their home will continue to support them in the future.  

At Vertika, we believe that long-term stability is key to a participant’s well-being. Our High Physical Support homes are built to accommodate changing needs, offering participants the chance to stay in the same place even as their care requirements evolve.

For SIL providers, partnering with Vertika ensures that your participants will always have a home that meets their needs, without the disruption of frequent moves. Our properties offer both immediate support and long-term solutions, creating a stable environment where participants can live independently and safely.

Transformative SDA, Purpose-Built by Vertika

For participants with high physical support needs, a well-designed home is more than just a place to live—it’s the key to independence, confidence, and long-term stability.  

Choosing the right SDA property can transform a participant’s quality of life, allowing them to focus on what matters most: living independently, achieving their goals, and engaging with the world around them.

With Vertika, participants experience fewer barriers and more opportunities to thrive. This means you can focus on delivering care, safe in the knowledge your participants are in an environment purpose-built for their needs.  

Contact Vertika today to find out how we can streamline your SDA search and help your participants live lives they’ll love:

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Helping SIL Providers Deliver Better Care: Vertika’s SDA for High Physical Support Needs
Adam Wyatt
Updated On
June 27, 2024
Adam Wyatt is a content writer at Vertika and subject matter expert of the NDIS space. He holds a doctorate in communications and media is an advocate for human-centred content that makes a positive impact in people's lives.
More About Adam